We believe that good leaders and businesses end up on the right side of history, but great leaders and businesses shape it.

Executive Advisory

With current marketplace dynamics, leaders are under tremendous pressure to make great decisions and to be spokespeople who inspire audiences and win hearts and minds. It’s one of the most dynamic and complex times in history to be leading, with the lightning-fast pace and complexity of the current multimedia atmosphere and the evolving expectations of today’s workforce. Today’s market and workforce are looking for a business with a mission they believe in and a leadership team they can truly trust.

But leaders can’t act alone. We help leadership teams with the skills needed to make great decisions, communicate them clearly, build legacy and gain trust. We act with the utmost discretion, and integrate seamlessly with existing teams, as trusted strategic partners at every step along the way. At the heart of it all, we ask — what do you want to be remembered for?


  • Executive Advisory

    We are by your side as you navigate leading in today’s complex environment. We can be a private sounding board to help you make tough decisions, foster the right mindset, manage change, communicate with finesse and ultimately create a lasting legacy.

  • Leadership and Workforce Training

    We bring the knowledge of ourselves, and the world’s best experts, to train leaders and broader workforces in culture-building, fostering diversity, equity and inclusion, communicating to inspire, navigating change, making the impossible possible, building a legacy and more.

  • Internal & External Communications

    Communications are no longer divided clearly between the worlds in and outside of a business. Modern communications ecosystems are seamlessly connected and from the same song sheet. We advise on communications strategies, build the skills of internal and external teams and act as consultants for leaders and businesses facing today’s complex multimedia atmosphere.

  • Crisis Leadership

    In today’s age of radical transparency, the crisis leadership playbook has completely changed. Businesses need to take a stance, stand in accountability, display absolute honesty and work to maintain and regain authentic trust in trying times. We help stabilize your leadership team through this process, acting as counsel as you make powerful decisions and communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

  • Culture-Building

    Culture as a buzzword is overused. But real culture is effervescent, transcendent and powerful. We help foster a culture of performance, trust, innovation and creativity.

  • Speech Writing & Speaker Training

    Speeches are lasting moments. They represent opportunities to change perspectives, share vision and build your legacy. We can train you with the skills needed to inspire your audience, and help bring your essence to the forefront, putting a voice to who you are.

  • Conversation Preparation

    A leader’s day is laden with tough and important conversations. If you need a trusted ear to help you prepare or put your thoughts into words, we’re here.

  • Talent Placement

    We tap into our Rolodex to play matchmaker, connecting great businesses with equally great people.